Saturday, June 27, 2009

I set up my own Toy Stores !

Today is weekend. Mama teach me how to set up my own store at Amazon. It's awesome !

I set up 3 stores in fact ! All toys ! hehehehe

It's really easy with Amazon. Mama teach me how to set the store and I pick the content. You should see my choice of toys that I set.

It ranges from toys to accessories but ... 100% for kids (like me!) Adult and parents just need to prepare the wallet. Wakakaa..

Here are my three stores :

a) The Transformer Robot that saves the world

Optimus Prime is my idol !

b) Ben 10 Store

I am going HERO ! :-)

c) Bakugan Store ( this is my latest interest! And I got Bakugan Toys for my birthday too)

Do visit my Stores ... It's awesome and easy to create. Now, I want to ask Mama to connect me to Twitter. Hahaha...

I read in Mama's blog that Twitter is just asking "What are you doing?" so... I can tell the world that I just set up my stores. Smart, huh ?

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe... you want to connect to Twitter ? Hehehe... no other kids on Twitter la ... wait for another few years laa... 8-)

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